Support Indigent Students and Brethren

Through the generous donation of the brethren, the IVCUAF Global purse has provided special support to indigent students and brethren over the years. During the past financial year the fellowship supported:

– Thirty-seven indigent students with ₦ 10,000 naira monthly
– Ten missionaries with ₦ 50,000 each
 – Two families needing support for medical bills

We invite you to help us give even more this year!

We need your support to continue to fulfil commitment to support the brethren in their time of need.

Ways to Give:

Direct Funds in Naira

Direct Funds in Naira:
IVCU Alumni Fellowship – First Bank Nigeria, PLC
Dom. Account 2017586766
Naira Account 2005481255
Memo: Brethren Welfare

Brethren in Diaspora

PayPal, Zelle, INTERAC e-Transfer
[email protected]

Find some options to support below

  1. Adopt indigent students by supporting with 10000 – 20000 per student monthly, quarterly or annually as convenient 
  2. ⁠Give freely towards the welfare of brethren, the funds will be used appropriately for current needs and as other needs arises 
  3. Dedicate 3 months tithes to the house annually 
  4. Give special offerings (Birthdays, Seasonal, special ocassions)

“Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give;
not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” — 2 Corinthians 9:7