About Us

We are a Christian Organization with a vision to see the entire world evangelized for Jesus Christ, and work to support Christians around the world. The organization has its root in the Ibadan Varsity Christian Union (IVCU), a leading fellowship of Christian Students at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria established in 1960.

IVCU Alumni Fellowship (IVCUAF) supports the mission to teach and support fellow Christians to keep the vision of the great commission given to us by Jesus Christ. We spread the word all over the world, meeting our brethren where the Lord made room for them. We fellowship in small groups and also during our periodic Alumni Reunion events hosted at the University of Ibadan. Praise God!

Our Motto: Keeping the Vision

Our purpose is to create a network of IVCUites, friends and partners committed to keeping the vision committed to us during our days at IVCU. We received a commission to go out to impact the world for Christ by living out the commission we received. 

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Ibadan Varsity Christian Union Alumni Fellowship (IVCUAF)

Welcome to the fellowship after fellowship of the Ibadan Varsity Christian Union (IVCU). Ibadan Varsity Christian Union Alumni Fellowship is the Alumni Organization of the Ibadan Varsity Christian Union, a leading fellowship of Christian Students at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria established in 1960.

Our Commission is to stay the course, encourage one another to stay in the faith and preach the gospel. Ours is not to build a kingdom on earth for ourselves but to prepare the world for the soon coming King, Jesus Christ.